Carbon Credit Offtake

We are proud to be able to provide some of worlds highest-quality, highest-transparency Carbon Credits from industrial and artisanal biochar projects.

All our Carbon Credits are fully trackable and traceable through our accredited, state-of-the-art dMRV+ PyroCCS Sarva Carbon. We are recording more than 100 data points in every industrial pyrolysis cycle.

Get access to our large pool of Carbon Credits from PyroCCS and Third-Party projects.


Geographical Focus

Type of Biomass & Biochar Usage

Artisanal or Industrial Projects

Co-Benefit Focus/Specific Beneficiaries

Carbon Credit Quantities


Preferred Carbon Standard

Introducing our new PyroCCS Sarva Carbon - Impact Stories Module.

Get access to advanced levels of insights into how your
Carbon Credits have been made. Download visuals and videos and
use them in your reports or showcase them to your customers (for marketplaces and brokers).

Impact Stories Features

Biomass Source (with GPS Location)

Live Stats from the Plant & Project Location

Carbon Sink Location

Regularly Updated Co-Benefit Stats

Our work in the Global South enables us to provide the largest range of co-benefits in the BCR industry

Our projects support up to 11 SDGs. Some examples are here:

SDG 2 Zero Hunger:

We primarily use biochar as a potent natural soil amendment. Many of our projects provide biochar for free to smallholder farmers or NGOs. The biochar helps the farmers to improve crop yields, increase soil health, reduce soil degradation and ensure food safety.

SDG 8 Decent Work and Economic Growth:

We provide job opportunities and upward movement possibilities for unskilled youth in some of the most remote areas of this world. We support economic growth in structurally weak rural areas and reduce urbanisation pressures.

SDG 10 Reduced Inequalities:

We work exclusively in the Global South and with many local underprivileged communities, boosting local education and incomes. We focus on building and maintaining value chains locally.

SDG 15 Life on Land:

We specifically support projects that protect and promote biodiversity. Controlling invasive species creates new habitats for other animal and plant species. Biochar-infused soil can provide nutritious grazing grounds for various animals and reduce soil erosion.

We are happy to discuss Spot Procurement, Pre-Purchase Agreements or Forward Deals for Carbon Credits.

We are also happy to design and implement new BCR projects aligned with your very specific requirements towards the Carbon Credits.

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